Setting up OpenNIC on Microsoft DNS (Windows Server) using the root hints method

Setting up OpenNIC on Microsoft DNS (Windows Server) using the root hints method

At VN PremLINK, we've been trying to set up BIND, Unbound, Active Directory for OpenNIC, VN's own domains, views, and filtering1) with the option to serve OpenNIC DNS publicly without the heavy handed filtering used in VN. Even Dnsmasq and Pi-Hole were part of the setup which will be replaced for Unbound+BIND.

It's confusing since we've never set up BIND from scratch or without some kind of GUI before, so while not yet there, we noticed OpenNIC needs a little help with the Windows side of things. /That/, we know. Quite well, in fact, due to Active Directory. So we took a five minute pause to create the screenshots OpenNIC needs, maybe a little more.

The instructions, linked here are 13 easy steps, part of it involves installing the DNS role;

1.  Open the server manager
2.  Choose add roles and features
3.  Choose role-based or feature-based installations
4.  Choose the server you are interested in.
5.  Choose DNS server
6.  Accept all of the other defaults and install
7.  When it is finished, go to the Start menu and choose DNS Manager
8.  In the DNS manager, right click on your server name and choose Properties
9.  In the properties dialogue, click Root Hints.
10. Delete ALL of the default servers.
11. At the bottom, click “Copy from Server” and input a T1 IP which you can find here.
12. Click apply and then test it here.
13. If all passes, you are free to add it to the Tier2 list!

We've gathered the missing pictures and at the end, there's a quick very basic PowerShell script that sets up secondary zones in a single step.

You only need either root hints or secondaries 2) . OpenNIC recommends requires you to deploy secondary zones if your server is going to be publicly available. Therefore we'll be splitting this in two parts to mark the difference.

The first part/method, will be based on the original (with a few shortcuts).

The second is just the script to set up secondary zones.

This was done on Windows Server 2022, but it should all the way back to Windows Server 2012 R2. Where PowerShell was used, if the cmdlets don't work, you might need to upgrade PowerShell to version 5-ish, the same (major version) the latest Windows Server runs. PowerShell 7 is not necessary. It is not available even in the latest OS but as a separate download that doesn't replace the older version.

Search for Windows Management Framework 5.1 on Microsoft. Alternatively you may use my copy (you shouldn't though just trust ramdom packages from the Internet, though) in the event Microsoft removes the update. They're known to do that. It is only for Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit (and its desktop counterpart, Windows 8.1). Other versions of Windows use other installers:

Newer versions of Windows don't need the update.

Note: the link appears to be triggering some protection. But if you paste it in the browser, a download manager or use wget or curl, it works correctly. In the case you need the file, you'll have to do that while we look into it. PowerShell itself can be used to get it. Use the Invoke-WebRequest <https://dmg…> -Outfile <somefilename…>cmdlet. For more information run: Get-Help Invoke-WebRequest -Online.

This might be a good time to tell you that…

None of our servers track visitors, logs are ephemeral and analyzed only in the event of failure, not as a business model.

Alternatively, you could do conditional forwarding , but that's not covered here.

Setting up root hints in Microsoft DNS

1. Open the server manag— …on second thought, don't.

1. Steps 1-7

Steps 1 through 7 can be dealt with in a single command3) .

  • Open an Administrative PowerShell window using any way you know how to or one of the following:
    • In English versions of Windows4) : WinKey+x then a
    • Bring up the context menu (i.e. the right-click menu) on the Windows Start Menu button and select the Windows PowerShell (Admin), about eight option from the bottom up; or as indicated above, the a key.
    • Locate a shortcut anywhere (A File Explorer windows, pinned, on the desktop or taskbar, etc) for PowerShell and right click it, then select to Run X as Administrator.
    • In a Run dialog(WinKey+x) type powershell and .

If you are using the built in local Administrator account, any PowerShell window launches administratively. Unless the system's policies are modified, other admin accounts lack this privilege by default.

This is a server-level operation.

You have to repeat it in as many servers as you have. Active Directory's multi-master-ultra-resilient-automatic-everything zones only work if they're Active Directory-integrated zones. On the plus side, they do not have to be related to the Active Directory domain, forest or any aspect of the infrastructure at all to be a zone backed by Active Directory (or "Active Directory-Integrated"). However, the chances of OpenNIC running Domain Controllers and just casually letting people join them, are slim.

Though cmdlets are spelled in mixed case. PowerShell itself isn't case sensitive and the same is true for DNS zone names. You can use all upper or lowercase letters if you want. Always try -complete cmdlets to reduce spelling errors. When you do that, they will change their spelling to mixed case.

If you remote from macOS, you need to disable the reversal of the and modifier keys which is enabled by default. While Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection is in focus, press +, to open the app's settings then uncheck the appropriate box5) :

Once in PowerShell, install the DNS role and its supporting administration tools with the following cmdlet below. The -Restart option will make the system restart immediately if needed. The DNS role itself rarely needs a restart but some of the RSATs do6) ); it's a quick installation, you might not have enough time to save and close open files so it's best to do it beforehand.

Install-WindowsFeature -Name DNS -IncludeAllSubfeature -IncludeManagementTools -Restart

This works as well (and may help newbies figure out PowerShell without trying):

Get-WindowsFeature *dns* | Install-WindowsFeature -IncludeAllSubfeature -IncludeManagementTools -Restart

Launch the DNS Management Console running the next command in PowerShell on in a Run dialog (WinKey+r):


Note: the management tools are put on the Start menu in a directory named "Windows Administrative Tools". You can install them all in the same cmdlet listing them after DNS, comma+space-separated, e.g; -Name DNS, RSAT. In older Windows, installing the .NET Framework 3.5 (which is part of the RSATs) needs you to insert the original installation media for Windows7) . You can also just mount an ISO from the network. What it's actually required is a file . Add somewhere in the s -Source zx0\Microsoft\Windows-Server\WindowsServer\ws2016\sources\sxs or -Source D:\sources\sxs

Continue to step 8.

8A. Working with root hints in PowerShell

It's a single cmdlet (sort of); after completing this, you may skip to step 12 in the original guide, testing.

  • 8A.1Get and pipe the list of the current root hints to the remove cmdlet, confirm one by one.
  • 8A.2 ";" queues up commands similar to Bash.
  • 8A.3 Use the address of one of the tier 1 servers to get the list of the root hints.
Get-DnsServerRootHint | Remove-DnsServerRootHint ; Import-DnsServerRootHint -NameServer "" -PassThru


  1. Get-DnsServerRootHint gets all the root hints which are piped/passed (|) to the Remove-DnsServerRootHint cmdlet, this in turn removes the objects received. You will be asked to confirm each one by pressing y on the keyboard.
  2. Import-DnsServerRootHint copies the root hints from -NameServer "", -PassThru is just a required option, just think of it as Microsoft's baseline nonsense.

8B. Working with root hints in the GUI

  • 8B.1 Removing root hints:


  • 8B.2 Adding root hints:

Tier 1 servers

This was the status of the tier 1 servers on 20230307T 14:24:00 GMT-7

┌─────────────                        ┬            ─────────         ─   ─ ─                                ──────────────┐
│ HOSTNAME          ; IPv4            ; IPv6                          ; OWNER(S)              ; ADDED           ; STATUS  │
  ns2.opennic.glue  ;   ; 2001:470:4212:10:0:100:53:10  ; shdwdrgn              ; 2015-Feb-27     ; Offline │
  ns4.opennic.glue  ; ;                               ; ph3-der-loewestephanj ; 2015-Feb-27     ; Pass    │
│ ns5.opennic.glue  ;  ; 2a02:990:219:1:ba:1337:cafe:3 ; verax                 ; 2015-Oct-27     ; Pass    │
│ ns6.opennic.glue  ;   ;                               ; texnofobix            ; 2015-Feb-27     ; Pass    │
│ ns8.opennic.glue  ;  ; 2a01:4f8:141:4281::999        ; stephanj              ; 2015-Feb-27     ; Pass    │
│ ns9.opennic.glue  ;   ;                               ; jonaharagon           ; 2015-Feb-27     ; Offline │
  ns10.opennic.glue ; ; 2a03:b0c0:0:1010::13f:6001    ; mars                  ; 2015-Feb-27     ; Pass    │
  ns11.opennic.glue ;    ;                               ; jonaharagon           ; 2016-Nov-29     ; Offline │
│ ns12.opennic.glue ;     ;                               ; sy albino             ; 2017-Jul-31     ; Offline │
│ ns13.opennic.glue ;  ; 2a01:4f8:192:43a5::2          ; okashi_o              ; 2019-Sep-03     ; Offline │
└──────────                         ──┴────                   ────────┴────                                     ──────────┘

12. Testing

  • 12.1 With nslookup
    • Interactive
      • Enter nslookup in interactive mode (just enter the command alone)
      • Set the server e.g; server
      • Enter your query e.g; be.libre. 8)
    • Non-interactive
      • Use the syntax command +host +nameserver e.g; nslookup be.libre.
  • 12.2 With the Resolve-DnsName PowerShell cmdlet
    • The -Name option is inferred from whatever text that is not following an option of its own, e.g; Resolve-DnsName -Server be.libre..
    • Use the -Type option to specify record type e.g; Resolve-DnsName -Server -Type NS -Name be.libre..

Creating secondary zones

Once again we turn to PowerShell, the best and worst that happened to Windows before Windows 11.

The fastest way to populate zones, is doing it on a disposable spreadsheet and IDE combination, or just an IDE. For each zone you'll need:

  • The name of the zone, of course; "oz"
  • A name for the zone's filename; "oz.dns"
  • Its master nameserver(s); ""
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "oz" -ZoneFile "oz.dns" -MasterServers ""

Or, since both values are likely to be basically the same and to avoid going all the way to the beginning and end over and over, do some basic scripting

$z="opennic.glue"     $ns="" ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"
$z="dns.opennic.glue" $ns="" ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"
$z="geek"             $ns=""  ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"
$z="free"             $ns=""  ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"
$z="indy"             $ns=""  ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"
$z="parody"           $ns=""  ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"
$z="bbs"              $ns=""  ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"
$z="null"             $ns=""  ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"
$z="oss"              $ns=""  ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"
$z="ing"              $ns="" ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"
$z="dyn"              $ns=""  ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"
$z="gopher"           $ns=""   ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"
$z="micro"            $ns="" ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"
$z="neo"              $ns=""   ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"
$z="pirate"           $ns=""   ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"
$z="oz"               $ns=""    ; Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "$z" -ZoneFile "$z.dns" -MasterServers "$ns"

Above, the $z and $ns variables are (re)set each time before running the cmdlet. The zone file gets the zone's name with the extension .dns appended to it. You can save it in a .ps1 file and run it in PowerShell9) or just copy and paste it directly. Edit it in an IDE.

Note: the data use above is just for the example, it's unlikely to be correct. It was not checked.

As of 2023-03-07, the following file/code will clean up old data (you'll need to confirm each one) and add them again with the correct nameservers. You may download it or just copy and paste it in a PowerShell window. It can be pasted via PowerShell remoting as well (e.g; Enter-PSSession <remote-dns-server-machinename>).


Get-DnsServerZone -Name "bbs"              | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "chan"             | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "cyb"              | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "dns.opennic.glue" | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "dyn"              | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "epic"             | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "geek"             | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "gopher"           | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "indy"             | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "libre"            | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "neo"              | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "null"             | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "o"                | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "opennic.glue"     | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "oss"              | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "oz"               | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "parody"           | Remove-DnsServerZone
Get-DnsServerZone -Name "pirate"           | Remove-DnsServerZone
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "bbs"              -ZoneFile "bbs.dns"              -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "chan"             -ZoneFile "chan.dns"             -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "cyb"              -ZoneFile "cyb.dns"              -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "dns.opennic.glue" -ZoneFile "dns.opennic.glue.dns" -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "dyn"              -ZoneFile "dyn.dns"              -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "epic"             -ZoneFile "epic.dns"             -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "geek"             -ZoneFile "geek.dns"             -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "gopher"           -ZoneFile "gopher.dns"           -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "indy"             -ZoneFile "indy.dns"             -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "libre"            -ZoneFile "libre.dns"            -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "neo"              -ZoneFile "neo.dns"              -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "null"             -ZoneFile "null.dns"             -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "o"                -ZoneFile "o.dns"                -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "opennic.glue"     -ZoneFile "opennic.glue.dns"     -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "oss"              -ZoneFile "oss.dns"              -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "oz"               -ZoneFile "oz.dns"               -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "parody"           -ZoneFile "parody.dns"           -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::
Add-DnsServerSecondaryZone -Name "pirate"           -ZoneFile "pirate.dns"           -MasterServers,, 2a01:4f8:c17:fa94::, 2a01:4f8:c2c:e789::


Ads, trackers, big privacy violators such as social networks, etc.
Although root hints may be used as fallback
> Well, it's actually two, but you can put them together in one line.
Windows shortcuts change according to UI language
the legend on it changes frequently with version
Remote Server Administration Tools: the modules for the Microsoft Management Console (AKA mmc.exe ) and a few more system panels
not the actual media, just the files, but the version should match
In Windows, nslookup needs for FQDNs to be correctly specified (they must have the trailing period) e.g;
You probably will need to allow running unsigned scripts first
en/other/opennicdocs.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/10 14:41